Hi. I'm going to test OSS on thursday and see what it can do. Due to limited time, me and my opponent decided to play 200pts game. As I...
Hsien haris and kuang shi. Or was was it sarcasm? If it was, it was very well hidden :stuck_out_tongue:
I wouldn't say that securitate rework was minor. This gives me some hope better devas. Asura is lost. They already gave her new profile and cost...
Asuras are 2x more expensive and pack less lethal weapons. They are only more durable and have msv.
Maybe there will be sectorial compositions on interplanetario. CB has to divide hype between it and gencon. There was nothing new (except...
Don't forget that there is also killer hacker yadu with 2nd, real wound and mk12.
There is also problem of delivery. With no smoke and only with andromeda closer to the objective, it can be hard to reach it.
I have to agree that solo multi rifle Yadu i worse than rudra. Worse mobility, survivalability, less firepower (supportware). Yadu has only...
She can have it. I'm a fan of giving sectorial exclusive profiles. This creates opportunity to create fun sectorials and not overpowering vanilla,...
So, does it say that 2+ wound models are shock immune or that they are immune when they have more than 1 wound and when they have 1, they are not?...
With 11 different stats/skills/equipment, everything can be upgraded bolt :P . Yadu is not overpowered but much more durable platform with...
Now we can have both yadu/rudra and danava for lower price. I'd always take them over asura.
yup. It would be paying 22 pts for +1/2 BS
So link of danava + Shakti + 3 daikinis or haris of Shakti + asura + yadu/deva/danava/whatever?
Maybe new jumper allows to aro hack any hacking attack like sixth sense but not needing repeater. Or maybe link of posthumans. I'm going wild.
Do you expect any mercs to appear in vedic? Technically Dart can be a merc like massacre and lunah. Will there be anybody else? (Fingers crossed...
I'm much more concerned about what to do with booty lvl3 from happy meal
In AI culture this is considered a dick move.