It depends on a period and region which they want to use as inspiration. It can be more Yuan dynasty and Genghis or more muslim Ilkhanate/Golden Horde
Stripping ISS of ks order factory would mean total overhul of its playstyle. I know that you can play LI with ISS but disgusting amount of orders...
My Yu Jing have dark jade green armour with gray cloth/camo pattern and red visors and emblems. I tried to make this pattern somewhat suitable for...
I'm hoping for: -new specialized LI with core/wildcard -new MI. Something like tankhunters or briscards. Or both (like scots guard) maybe without...
I know. Its sole purpose is trolling. When II'm using kanren in normal lists, I always just change his loadout to confuse opponents.
When you give your opponent courtesy list with 3 Sun Tze and 3 rui shi only
Hell yes we can List...
We can also wait and see how good he is when CB publishes another ITS data. I bet that the percentage of lists with him will be somwhere between...
I still prefer su jian. In conquest missions you just park him on a rooftop in safety.
ISS is not particularly strong in terms of long range aro. Sure. It can take 3 total reaction bots but high ava doesn't mean it should be your...
After yadu and Ramah it's not that clear anymore.
Now we can wait for White Banner without any IA distractions and hope it won't be obsolete 3 months after release. There is a chance that CB will...
Or another chicken thread.
Oh Arjuna also has d-charges. Well. I'm still learning to use her but she seems like a decent platform for turn 3 blowing shit up. Have you...
I think that her position in Steel Phalanx and vanilla didn't change. There are better CC troops in both. ASS doesen't have sufficient support for...
I'm Games Workshop amd welcome to jackass. Sorry. Had to.
As I said earlier. It's really meta dependant. I'm not a fan of using them in one combat group. They work for me beter when they are spread. You...
I need to try it but from my previous expiriences, it doesn't work really well.
Yeah. I know that ISS can still bring some pain. They are sadly useless if you manage to kill 3/4 key pieces, because, from my point of...
When I switched from 40k to infinity, it was mostly because of overwhelming powercreep. It was obvious that, even in infinity, new armies will...