I heard that this new purple alien faction is pretty cool.
Weren't chasseurs a light infantry unit simillar to prussian and austrian jagers?
This was abouttheir full names Clausewitz UHLAN Dragoes, Acontecimento DRAGOONS Jotums, Svalarheima armoured CUIRASSIERS etc. These are all...
I don't complain. They seem fun in shangji core/haris but have a major problem. If you want your tinbot, shangji comes with tacawa profile. If you...
Every PanO TAG is named after cavalry unit. edit: Except for Tikbalangs and Cutters I guess
Or maybe killer hacker :P
The problem with his KSCD is that it doesn't allow you to include kuang shi in your list. You have to take CG with KSCD. I think that this is just...
Thanks for clarification.
Do you have to bring shang ji into shang ji core or can you do 1 wildcard+4 jujaks and call it shang ji core? I don't remember the verdict about...
I have one question after watching adepticon video. Who is going to be in code one YJ hero pack?
My biggest concern/ hope (I don't know what to think about it yet) is about models in beyond box. If CB puts ye mao MR + Tian gou CR/BS + long ya,...
I have The same feeling. I will get easier when I will build army for certain missions. Right now there are too many options. Every list of mine...
For the same price you can take 2x rui shi and a lu duan. He is surely good but from cost-efficiency point of view there are better options. Note...
Imagine the potential of using them on overextended TAGs and the face your opponent has when you do this trick on jotum or avatar. Priceless
Long Ya and Tian Gou are even better when you consider that Yu Jing always struggled with variety of units priced between 20-30.
And the trollhunter isn't suited for fighting it
CB needs to leave that name as it is now. Is it spelled twost or seconst?
Is it possible to put supportware on camo markers?
Don't you have to bring at least 1 shang ji to be able to link jujaks?
https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_205.svg The White Banner Army ──────────────────────────────────────────────────...