A thing that PanO had for years?
hmm, well like I said, I went into this with low expectations so I tried a few different ideas. The first, which I'd had success with at the...
you guys are gonna be real mad tomorrow when the 0-12 jammer drops
Reporting in to say that I won an 18 person, three round Xenotech narrative tournament with NCA. I don't consider myself a good player but I...
The ammo types are definitely the main issue. The secondary problem is them costing three points when they're really not much worse than a combi....
It's not the power of the hacker, it's what it unlocks. 15 points to allow remotes and supportware on those remotes is an incredible deal. but...
The Hsien is probably the reason for the heavier spines on the Caliban. Combis are 8 points, SMGs are 3. It's a significant savings for a basic...
They all had the same page. The Coldfront one does list what came in the Beyond box but who knows. [IMG]
Plenty of people are gonna take eight Yuan Yuans so, no, you should never feel bad about this.
Does this mean the packs of the old bases will be phased out?
I was hoping we'd get to see those premarked bases since they're advertised as included with WF. I doubt they'd include both kinds.
To briefly bring it back to the Mentor, unlike Aleph and Nomads, a Shasvastii player doesn't even have to bring it to "have it". Since it's...
I've said this here about a million times but it bears repeating again: Metal is a small part of the cost of these miniatures. Any scrap just...
I beg to differ [MEDIA]
They sure do. Maybe they should advertise that fact like I suggested instead of showing a completed model on the box with no instructions on how...
You can at the very least mark your bases. It's a requirement for tournament play.
CB themselves. https://www.infinitythegame.com/defiance
So this arrived today and I gotta say I am disappointed. I understand that nowhere was it advertised as a beginner's set but if you're not a...
I feel like these premarked bases are an overreaction to CB's seemingly lax policy of "put your models together and show up!" when fire arcs are...