Is there a reason the forum goes down at around 10pm~12am EST every night?
lmao at imagine giving a shit about this but also lmao at cheating when we know the "winners" are already predetermined
i mean yeah that's p. damning but lol at the amount of effort put into it
It happens at the end of the order. You declare Sapper, ask for AROs, your opponent has none, and then in the resolution, place your 40mm base...
I've always wanted a Pathfinder option for 18 points with an ability called Smokescreen that'd be Disposable (2) that could plant the template...
dang, wild they didn't give you something that was never advertised as being included!
No video bostria is in should ever be considered evidence for how the game is played.
It stays the same until you spend an order in your next active turn.
Yeah, that appears to be it.
what is this kraken/pulpi split.
No, because what were describing is purely defensive. No one is talking about forcing this hypothetical hacking resistance onto enemy hackers in...
I agree that TAGs need something to protect them in CC and from Hackers. My regular opponent is fucking surgical with Morlocks and getting smoked...
have another meltdown about it, you passive-aggressive dweeb
that's a significantly better idea than this new thread
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is N4 will likely fulfill CB's promise on solving the intent dilemma. As usual, Chaos Orc has you covered.
lol foh with this disingenuous bullshit. just over a year ago you were flipping your shit about quitting this game
my favorite part of that pic is "need to use your brain" followed by "but my sniper can't see the whole board!"
I would not. VG are an entirely different unit. Hold them as order generators and DZ guards with both direct and indirect templates or release...