11 points Linetroopers is way above average these days. CB dropped the ball, 3 times (?) on making Order Sergeants anything other than boring but...
Enhanced Reaction granting a flat B2 in ARO applies to CC attacks, BS Attacks, Hacking Attacks and possibly more stuff I'm forgetting. None of...
Order Sergeants have always been a tough sell for their points and the latest reworks (counting the FT update) didn't do them any favors. I think...
Since I'm dealing with the overarching discussion, here's the context for this: They want to stack Enhanced Reaction with Fireteam Burst Bonus....
My proposition prevents exactly that from happening. If someone declares a BS Attack as the first Skill against you inside of your ZOC you have to...
The problem is pretty much only that Templates are always required to be placed at declaration, when everything around them changed. You should...
Any weapon used in a BS Attack. A Grenade using PH would still be a BS Weapon.
RAW Fireteams seem to double dip from the Discover and the BS Attack bonus both RAW applying to Discover. [ATTACH] Personally I never noticed...
Not gonna lie this guy does nothing for me. Especially not as a DeFe replacement. Couldn't care less about the Multi Marksmen, when I could have...
With the new Order declaration rules you can do a BS Attack +Move (in that Order) declaration. A Template ARO against that still has to place the...
Uma being a native Bolt and Fusilier alongside having 2x Haris is dope. NCA was one of the few Sectorials that could already make a Fusilier ARO...
It's beyond me how there aren't more options like the WinterFor Alpha Fireteam. The existing 2 trooper complimentary Link teams should be exactly...
She got a much better position in Fireteams (being native to Fusiliers and the Sectorial's Elite LK/MI) Doesn't pay for the double weapon loadout...
Allright, here we go. The good: The new layout. Much, much, much easier to configure a Fireteam or to explain to people how it works. We also...
Still assuming "count as" Fireteams are included in the full bonus camp. In contrast to Wildcards and "can join X" Fireteams. Probably needs some...
I just wish we had more than two variants. Or more than one considering what sees playtime. The LSG+Eclipse GL was niche when it had a +3...
N4 leaving Beta! How long we've waited for this. Looking forward to see if it was all worth it in the end.
Asura got a bit shafted by other things getting vastly bigger buffs. It's not her that's bad, it's the competition, already ahead of her, getting...
[ATTACH] You only need LoF if the target is under a state that blocks Attacks. You do not need LoF with a ZVZ involved, but the ZVZ needs to be...
To elaborate, you interpret a not otherwise definied piece of generic language to be a direct substitute for necessary game term used in all other...