Hm... Lieutentant doesn't have any cancellation conditions.... But Inspring Leadership does the following: All Troopers in the Army List that...
There need to be a lot more Sectorial only profiles or even whole troops unavailable to Vanilla, both for balance and to reduce bloat. Pretty sure...
Sorry to anyone exited about this, but it's likely not very accurate given CB's previous attempts at reporting trend chart like this without...
As far as I'm concerned Deactivators should be able to cancel Perimeter/Mines going off to be really useful rather than borderline obsolete....
Periphereals are Troopers and do have Troop Type Peripheral, that's not mutually exclusive. [ATTACH]
Phew I remember this discussion from N3 and the result, the surrounding rules have changed though. What you can find in N4 to go by as RAW would...
Some time between WW2 and the Afghan War, the private sector figured out how to monetize critical infrastructure and sell necessary Government...
Multiple ways to go about it. Couple things to figure out: 1. Do we care about tangible impact on balancing or are we fine it it's CB's job to...
Uhm, that's what I said. No exception mentioned in the wording for Marker LOF. No exception mentioned in Holoecho. Why would Holoecho block LOF?
See @QueensGambit above. Veto and counterargument to this statement. [IMG] The rules are actively aware that Marker rules have exceptions. There...
Being a Trooper is not a factor in blocking LOF. Being a Model is. It doesn't say they count as models, it say take three Holoechoes which are...
"Logic" does not exactly apply to Marker States. Reminder that it's perfectly alright to shoot through the only, easily identifyable, S7 Camo...
What even is the argument for #1 being dumb? To me #1 is the most logical and causes the least amount issues (actually none). Holoecho is a Marker...
The wording is all over the place, but line one makes it clear that what you are putting on the board is three Holoechoes.. Holoecho-1, Holoecho-2...
Vaulting doesn't break the "being in contact with the surface the trooper moves on" part of the rules. It let's you ignore having their base...
I'm not playing a whole lot of Holoechoes and I do not have any skin in the game. This is merely me parsing the rules. Here are some relevant...
Ah crap, not sure if that was different in N3, but this: > A Mine cannot be placed if there is an enemy Camouflage Marker inside its Trigger Area....
There's lots of small and situational tricks you can pull. Some generally useful, some only relevant once in a blue moon. Reactivating Holoechoes...
Ignoring the thing you're replying to because I don't care. Just wanna talk about why the "points formula" or lack thereof is the root of 90% of...
If you're that concerned about Pitchers build a list to deal with it. Or just tough it out. Joan is WIP15, if you want the first turn odds are you...