not really, why fight someone in their own game if you can just not play and shoot them in the face with Tik/Karhu/Uma/Dart/Krakots instead?...
This is mostly about the "fluff" argument being a strawman, because the Boyg fails a quick fact check on all points.
Boyg Soldiers? Well let's look at their fluff. [SPOILER] I've never seen as many failures to make a troop distinct as Infinity manages to do in...
Let's get back to that YJ HI comparison shall we? The major thing here that's tone deaf is the claim that YJ has "better" Power Armor than PanO....
Which is what I'm saying. A protype isn't automatically worse than the production model, in reality it rarely is. This one is out in the field, so...
Prototype: experimental low quantity with high attention to detail and big budget per unit. Proof of Concept: barebones functional, showcasing or...
The actual problem is Sophie existing next to this: [ATTACH] Why am I paying 18 points for 2/3 of a regular Order and either Doctor or Engineer?...
The core problem "Lack of access to several key features of the game" and could be addressed in various ways. It is however easy to spot where the...
Getting hit by a Smoke template is mechanically not different than getting hit by a regular or E/M template in terms of getting AROs. Smoke...
I'd take the old AVA6 Magisters with Cubes back in a heartbeat. At least they could pure Link and weren't doomed to be mutually exclusive between...
One trooper enabling one aspect of the game is probably enough to cover that part of the game for the entire Faction. Most Factions manage to have...
PanO is required to solve problems with guns. Sole exception being the GDA with a BS10 Eclipse, so yeah. There's absolutely no way whatsoever for...
Winterfor is literally the Karhu keeping it all together. There isn't a single other thing in that Sectorial that has good synergy, it's all just...
> proposes adding +1 B to Uhlan Profle making existing problem even worse > blatantly ignorant of actual problem > suggests old MMS LX was a good...
And that's the Cutter's limitation for having the being best raw FTF of any single model (discounting FTs) in the game (BS15, Mimetism -6 +...
That doesn't fix the TAG. Only makes it even more expensive and creates more scenarios that make the HMG compete by having a better FTF while...
What PanO TAGs really need is actual Profiles, most likely Secotrial specific ones. Vanilla is fine picking from the existing choices, no real...
Kinda like the Kamau Sniper x2, Kamau, Machinist x2 Link to leverage full Core and stay relatively effective at BS14 even if one of the snipers...
Adding BS Attack (-3) back would be trivial and probably ideal to make some non HMG/Spitfire gunners viable (looking at you Marksmanrifles). It...
RAW the Lt Skill is never really cancelled. But we have the FAQ shedding a bit of light how it's supposed to be handled: [ATTACH] Funny enough RAW...