How dare you body-shame my hacker. Real hackers have curves. [IMG] He actually makes me think of a Sin Eater's design, which made me have a...
[MEDIA] And now I'm thinking about Haqqislam lol
The natural evolution here is a giant sentient rock with a tactical body under its stony heel to make its rocky pose more dynamic
Another thing I'm really liking is the granting of additional equipment to certain profiles to make them more viable when compared to competitors,...
[MEDIA] Barakiel got me thinking about Acontecimento, dunno if it really fits but in my head it does.
oooo tha'ss preeeettttyyyy
Honestly if I had to choose 2 I'd probably roll Nomads and Haqqislam as they seem like they're both doing interesting things, are fun to play and...
Yu Jing's MVS2 Bot buffed with Marksmanship Lv2 is a scary proposition to most armies, especially mixed with smoke.
[IMG] USAriadna Ranger Force ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [IMG]7 [IMG]3 [IMG]3 [IMG] BLACKJACK AP HMG, Chest Mines,...
That's a damn fine looking Mormaer. I really hope the Vet Kazak is as nice as this.
Oh whoops I missed the "completely in WN the whole time" part at the end, my bad xD I thought it was asking in the context of being in cover while...
So you're saying that you can choose to either shoot at -6 if you choose a point within the WN zone or the -3 from cover depending on the point of...
If you had to choose two factions in Infinity and only play and only collect those 2 to get the most out of the game, which two would you choose...
Most compelling interpretation I've read yet and makes me actually appreciate what ALEPH is trying to do.
ah ty
That's really smart
Just curious, where have we seen that?
[MEDIA] Makes me think of Yu Jing with the Tibetan Monk feel White Banner now pless