Nothing. Unfortunately, nothing at all.
This all also looks like a variance of the unicursal hexagram, the occult symbol of the Thelema. [ATTACH]
And it also used to look like this in the previous, metal version :) [IMG]
Oh, so they copied this [IMG] not this? [IMG] OK :D
Mmm, that smell of Rackham.
Yeah, naw, miss me with that. I agree, this is not an faction addition, this is a faction shift / remake.
Oh, my sweet, sweet summer child. Reddit is a gold mine of reason, honesty and quality content when compared to the hellspawns of 4chan and...
What do you mean by "political"? Most everything can be construed as "political" and that fact is often used to silence inconvenient discourse. Is...
Safe, bland, boring. Disappointed, tbh.
So CB literally "reinvented" 40k Dreadnoughts.
Recurring charge of $99.99 for the annual subscription accepted.
[IMG] Bulcrap Mobile Babycarrier: *exists* People: ... [IMG]
Their existence is not controversial. The idea that the only correct and sustainable way to accommodate costs rising is to make the customer bear...
The idea that we are supposed to be subsidizing the costs of production for the company and that those who complain about being priced out of...
I'd even say less - "Hey, can you please turn around? I want to mark some things on a picture of the battlefield." I don't need to say whether...
Don't worry, just wait for the Errata to the FAQ. The team is already working hard on it.
Biggest and betterest! TAG Raid FAQ: 2026 Warcrow FAQ: TBA
Love it! :)
It's going to be two years this Saturday. This is going to be the best and largest FAQ ever :)
The limitation is rather "reasonable poses out of the portfolio of 'combat poses deemed appropriate by the gamer consensus'. You can do a lot of...