It depends what you're after. I think Lunah is more of an active turn piece, and a relatively niche one (although quite good). She can ARO in a...
You and I have different definitions of insults and name calling. Understandably, you might not totally grasp when harsh criticism falls over the...
Ohhh yes. I will watch this.
Yeah, and to be fair they can brawl in the midfield. I would have been pretty happy with them at the n3 price point, but the price increase seems...
Hey CB. Love your work. But sometimes amongst all the good stuff, something doesn't quite land right. Right now I think thats super jump. As...
Not just arslan but Druze in general seem very expensive. I think he pays a reasonable amount over their baseline, but the baseline is just too...
It would be B. But, I think what mahtamori is getting at is where do you get the "at most -3 from enemy" in the rules?
Controlled Jump supportware is applied to the EVO trooper, not the drop troops. The effect is a +3 MOD or -3 MOD to troopers making combat jump...
That ship\gimmick seems to have sailed. They should have given white banner more EM and mines types. Like specific white banner long ya or a...
Ah yeah, I do love the Daofei. How do you use him effectively? I keep envisaging a sort of raider or hit and run but haven't really successfully...
Could be interesting in missions where you need to move across the table.. What's your favorite active turn pieces to go with that set up?
Hi All, I've been really struggling for inspo with the Yu Jing, and partciularly white banner. Not getting much games in right now doesn't help....
Its worth noting this is how it was in early N3. Then people thought it was confusing and it changed. Then people realised it was abusable and it...
Thanks for the write up! I need to get games in with yu Jing before I can really make much comment. I am really loving building lists with...
What stops a player from placing a silhouette, checking LoF, adjusting the silhouette, checking LoF Ad infinitum until they have the LoF they want...
I very much doubt anyone is arguing that one player unilaterally determines LoF. Maybe you could give me a real world example of what you're...
If you need a silhouette to establish LoF, then you use them as a game aid. The rules don't say "thou must" for every order though. Thats not what...
To take a stab, I think we all agree that you declare the end point and the route taken. in N4 you can premeasure if you can reach said point. I...
I'm not sure as I'm confused at where nuada has an issue. I thought the discussion was OK as long as we kept it civil?
What? Yes you need to declare the route. A declaration can involve a discussion about the board state though. Eg.. For the blue model I could ask...