[IMG] Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. I love the details on the render and the stiffness of the pose helps sell it as a robotic...
And for me, Zulu-Cobra spitfire is a stronger piece than a Nokken Spitfire. Camo really helps move into a better position to gunfight. The point...
vPanO also has Zulu-Cobras as well. Like @Lady Numiria stated elsewhere,vPanO will have all the skirmshers.
Yes. At 20:37: [MEDIA] He has a new lease on life!
I loved Bostria's empathetic explanation during the video about how the ISS TAG makes Yujing's safer. Yujing #1!
They are also getting a BS 14 Plasma Rifle in the form of Teucer. That should do some work if he keeps his Mimetism-3 and MSV 1. Edit: I meant...
I feel that the weapon choices are enough, but I get what you are saying. Giving Nokken BS13 would make them more of a shooting platform. Uma...
Locusts and Nokken should get a significant price cut if Scarecrows are any indication. That should change their usability. I feel if you have...
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I was talking in a sense that Pseudo burst probably doesn't work with direct templates... But I get your point. I...
The new Ariadna units look wonderful! I am pretty sure that the Antipodes never saw them as the good guys.... But seriously, we have a unit with...
Probably not until November 18th. The lists will also probably not be in print until the N5 campaign book comes with Haqqislam, Aleph, and Tohaa.
One huge change that I have not seen discussed: Direct Templates probably won't get a burst bonus due to Fireteams. From what we know, it would...
Pseudo B2 and B5. That makes a huge difference. Geckos and Shakushs will be happy as well!
So many rules were dropped in the video: [MEDIA] Guided: Reset will now cancel the missile impact and the Targeted State. So it nearly always...
I also wonder if we will see in N5 more Sectorial army lists that will take advantage of unlimited duos. Very little reason to not pair up if you can.
Jannisaries dropping 3-4 points or more would be great. BS 14 is going to be more important in N5, and i would love for Janissary HMG version to...
@Wizzy post:
Well, the videos from today make me feel more hopeful for N5: [MEDIA] The new Fireteam rules makes Duos the new hotness. Basically getting one...
Actually, I would go by the Fireteam name. So for Fennic team, you need Fennics to get the bonus. That makes sense to me. We will see when they...
Hopefully they provide suggestions for proxies.