They're right at the bottom of the list on mobile. Treitak is the old name for a Morat Vanguard Spec-Op, and Corax is free of name for a...
When it was under attack from the Spiral Corps, just before it created the Quantum Anomoly Zones, the Digester sent several deep space signals...
Per the FAQ only the developed shape has the equipment listed on the profile. This means the Embryo is unhackable, but the developed shape is a...
It's for chopping wood to shore up a foxhole or trench, he's actually the most sensibly equipped Varangian Guard because he's realised he can just...
My Max and Caskuda were good casts, cleanup took longer than metal, as usual, but I've found a good set of nail files and emery boards that work...
Or eyes in places they're not usually supposed to be!
It's a sensor, not an eye hole, most people don't have glowing eyes. Much like Wildcats don't have two long vertical eyes and Nisse don't have 6...
Yu Jing Guija pilot seems like a pretty good match in style. Oktavia with just her Heavy Pistol would look pretty neat too.
Your store needs to start ordering from CB direct or a good distributor like MOE Games. The email newsletter about REM Racers today has a section...
Deliberate design choice to stop it benefiting from Supportware and REMdriver.
Blackwind sold so strongly during its preorder period in 2022 that CB had to delay some shipments while more were manufactured, the last time they...
Yeah, even with import duties and fees, selling it at 50% off to clear the warehouse out was clearly popular, kind of surprised the Beyond Box...
Surplus copies of TAG-Raid are going up for sale soon
Umm, it's not stated, that's what makes it not explicit. The motorcycle rule has text allowing you to place the rider next to the bike or...
An excellent point, and a slight change from N3>N4 I'd missed. Your style of random capitalisations and colour shifts makes your posts hard for me...
In OP's situation the mine won't detonate because there's no point in which the template can be placed to affect the pilot without also affecting...
Interestingly the rules for dismounting a TAG don't have the step of placing the pilot in Silhouette contact, so you'd measure from the edge of...
Well she is a space pirate! Definitely looks like his collared cloak, and I just posted in the new releases thread about how much CB enjoy...
The Haqq reinforcements look a lot better than the renders, the slight shrinkage from printing/masters/moulding/casting fixed the chunkiness and...