Oh dear, those boxes are bigger than I expected, not sure that's going to fit in a suitcase
From the Gen Con seminar we know that the Equipe Argent (Ariadna) box will likely be the last as it hasn't finished the design stage yet.
The new card pack contains three decks, Classified Objectives, Tactical Objectives, and Battlefield Conditions, all in the same product....
5 orders by my counting, 2 of his own, a second trooper in the group, one from a Command Token with O-12 prestige, and the Commlink trooper.
The boxes are labelled as "Reinforcement pack Beta" and the contents make a lot of sense for people that want to collect a Reinforcements group,...
As an expansion to Blackwind and Beyond it's a really good box though, as you'll already have a Makhe, Hoplite, and three Thorakitai, giving you...
It's not clear from the photo but the sword has the same curve as the scabbard.
I'm not sure we'll see a new Atlanta soon as her original incarnation was never discontinued. Though a new version with a more robust rifle...
It's the existing Aleph/O-12 boarding shotgun with a Pitcher attached to the underbarrel rail. Also not sure why you don't think we'll get a...
You can in both cases as requirements for skills are checked after everything is declared in the Order Expenditure Sequence, but if the trooper...
The big thing so far for the setting is the fog, it seems to be caused by/powering the Scions of Yaldaboath and slowly encroaching on everyone's...
Carlos Torres is creative/art director and co-founder. Carlos Llauger (Bostria) is brand ambassador, photographer, photoshop monkey, graphic...
They're planning for November for the comic with Ksenia, unknown for the minis box.
Whichever you like
I know Mike has been working on printing lists/courtesy lists for a while, but printing on mobile is something of a dark art, especially with the...
IIRC from the Gen Con seminar Ksenia is going to be the book preorder exclusive, the rest are presumably in a box like Outrage and Betrayal
Reinforcements isn't Scenario rule or Retreat so I don't see why Shasvastii-Embryo would have any effect. Edit: By Scenario rule I mean that none...
Painted Sforza looks a lot better than the render did. Very imposing.
Yes, Endsong credits a number of playtesters, some well known community (but not forum) members among them, including the current ITS #2 player.
The short answer is that we don't know and it's something they're still working on. Demos were 2 turns, with 4 activations each, plus catch up...