Oh, you are gonna explain me how work calendar works on my own country? Im not against CB go on holiday. And Koni corrected and tell in fact,...
Absolutely no company in Spain will go on holidays before 23rd. CB were in the business for 20 years now. People expect from them to do propper...
I wont get holidays in my job if we have work to do. And clearly they are not working hard enough when they have to leave a month without releases...
Ok, CB closing Dec 15 is false. They close from Dec 23 to Jan 1
November releases are going slow and plenty of distributors still dont have them, december ones got delayed to Jan, you are in the middle of...
What a rework for Dukash to make a never choosen profile playable. But maybe it's too much
because they shine Some manned tags have actually now in the army the icons for the N5 ancillary troops. Checked Maghariba, Triphammer and...
Grunts at least can Infiltrate. Edit: I saw the Maggie profile in spanish. 72 points with Multi HMG and EM carbine (+2B). Nice. Nothing else...
it seem december releases got pushed to January... No Infinity products for Christmas [ATTACH]
Holomask still exist, Sforza is the prove. Metsuke rely on the opponent not guessing wich of the holograms is the real one. Mehh. At least the...
Maybe the full rule will state the interaction between cover and jump.
Newborn game, less machinery, less factions to release things...
It's a shame it's available only in Vanilla and TAK
you dont want to jump too much if you're carrying an HMG
Maximus cant get out at will, is forced to get out due Transmutation. Is an operator, not a pilot. I think simply pilots are not a thing in N5...
Jamie Arantes, Shindenbutai expansion pack and Kestrel expansion pack, Dr Priya Harper [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][IMG]
Seraph also has flamer, but in the auxbot. But his nanopulser will become pulzars in N5, that's not bad. Is transitioning from Anti-personal TAG...
Probably they´ll publish them in the future