Siocast machine is too busy with Warcrow. No more siocast for Infinity.
Also me, but is not gonna happen. I was told that something like that is in the make, but probably no N5 tournament legal
So, 2025 is the 20th Anniversary of Infinity. Crazy. Back in 2015, we had an Special pack with a limited edition figure for the anniversary, and...
ITS 16 part 2 available https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/organized-play/its-rules-season-16-part2-en.pdf
Suposedly, CB stated at some point Religious troop is also a discount rule, so the Hospitalier knight is getting 2 discounts?
i dont care 20 pts knights. Im ok with that, they are warbands cosplayed as HI and should never be allowed to Core fireteam (cenobites should be...
I like the first list, but i miss some key troops that i love, like the Trinitarian sniper. I may try it, if i can manage to appoint a match with...
Well, who is gonna take down my opponent top shooter if not my own top shooter? Or maybe because i cant advance until i take down the opponent aro...
Sudenly, a BS 11 troop have the same performance shooting at our BS 14 knights that we shooting him, in the typical situation of positive range...
USARF, a playable faction is gonna be retired from the shop, but Varuna, a non playable faction is still available to buy. Can someone explain...
Ariadna, TAK and Kosmo Web army Kazak doktor and Dozer images are placed one in the place of the other
Thanks to the changes of impetuous troops in fireteams, knights are now less desired than ever
are you refering to this Cyberpunk demon? That's not from the Interplanetario, that was form Mallorca 2nd Satellite [ATTACH]
Since is a pack focusing solely in a single faction, ISS, why is bad for the exclusive figure to be from that army? Also, normal HVTs exist, and...
If the most important event of the year for them is Adepticon and not Gencon and they're only releasing an Action pack, it's not gonna be a good...
From the santiago profile [ATTACH]
CB could remember than Varengian Company exist, and put it there all the CHA, MRRF (and USARF in the future) profiles that are not present in...
Almost all Ariadna players pre-TAK era are in the same page on that. Kosmoflot was a mistake. When everyone was expecting the glow up and big...
what have to do the SKU bloat with in game balance and gameplay?