Ok, but when they get a good plastic. Also, nothing can beat the feeling of a metal figure
The rules you linked only refer to scenarios and missions. The objetives from Operation deck are not scenarios and missions, so Specialist...
I faced people like that. Not a pleasant opponent. Thankfully, most of them left the game
he can became LT if the actual Lt dies. Also, Inspiring Leadership is part of the base skills, so they cant simply remove it. The same with...
That fox lady is really the kyojin killer and no one can denie
So a 2 group list with 13 figures, with 2 hidden dep figures and a parachutist TAG with TAC AWA is inmune to stripping orders, but a 10 guys list...
It is, but is not the Army List Yes, now i know the presence of that models, but i still dont know their identities, like with the invisible...
You must inform me about a second combat group, even if it consists in only invisible units, so here is the same deal
You read my message? I asked comunnities all along spain and read some feedback from also other countries and all i got is negative feedback about...
Yes, is done after order count, BUT it says Lists orders. Not deployed orders or orders in the pool. So, you deploy 8 figures, you have in...
1/ Avatar doesnt have Tac Awa 2/ Invisible orders still count to the limit for being inmune to be stripped
Why (and where) is Warcrow selling? Is a game you even cant play right now. Only two factions, very limited list making options, no army, no app,...
A note is missing about both Jamie Arantes profiles sharing AVA (like with Jeanne)
I think Oban have great specialist troops, with Ninjas, Ryukens and Aragotos. They infiltrate or move really fast. But ikari only have AVA 1 ninja...
specialist troops is yet the weak point, but lists always look fun
Changing from Vallejo to Army Painter could be related with the company situation in the last months (or maybe not)
There's no balance since N3, when tunguska arrived
Bostria said in the last Studio Update that USARF is not going anywhere, so i dont know what's the plan. Resculpt of the whole line? Unlikely to...
Hahant. The entire game was, is, and will be produced in Siocast