Jump 8" when i already have MOV 8-2 and superjump is odd.
Still selling Varuna starter in the BF web...
Sforza shows kestrel logo. Not included in all the kestrel infography until the date. Still not available in Military orders... Also, Sforza...
So, BS attack: Continuos damage + discoballer makes smoke lethal? Is a BS attack at the end BS attack -3 now has a counter. Nice. But no one of...
Bull Shit -3 is now on TAGs... Good job
So pano has smoke now... I was expecting disco ball to be white noise, not eclipse
[ATTACH] Achilles' waifu
what we should see these days: The 3 profiles for the JSA Beyond part Random profiles from other factions, like the new Ariadna minitank, the...
It works for me in Chrome and W11 [ATTACH]
No T2 HMG or missile launcher until CHA came back. Scots have the bigger amount of tessium of all Dawn
oh, ok, it's applied to the dodge roll and is not a pseudo dodge itself, nice
you dont move, you cant use against templates and can be used only against attacks baseless, yeah, you'll like that was true. So you want me to...
banshees have KHD IIRC
So, desert Hexa. Can we get now some JSA profiles? [ATTACH]
So, instead of doing his job in the official company forums, is neglecting his job and is more active in an unnoficial Discord server... Wow, so...
"Lets simplify Infinity" They could give ayar Dodge=PHY 17 or Dodge +4, already existent skills, but no, they invented a new equipment for a very...
I firmly believe that N5 was planned for 2025, probably Gencon, as is the biggest event where CB is present and where CB sell the main product of...
When is planned for Season 17, yes, it's rushed