Hello guys, It's not really a question, but rather a suggestion. I don't have many issues with the new rules, they're mostly very refined....
I am sorry, I did not realise that IJW rulings are that decisive as I'm rather new to the community. I was under the impression that IJW is a...
I don't think we should dive into such argument, as "logic" here is pretty subjective. Regarding IRL logic, one can argue that "ARO bait" is...
Thank you for providing the exact quote from @ijw . That's the best thing we have at the moment, but we do need a developer's clarification (and a...
I dont agree, as I believe while curing a specific issue (which is subjective in the first place), it creates a lot of unnecessary (also...
UPD: a good part of my local group keeps insisting that because of how order expenditure is worded, despite of other rules (BS attack, ZoC, total...
There was several replies from ijw, that logically confirm that with BS attack it's not possible, because it requires target on lof for...
Then, should I create a separate thread about BS attack as an ARO in ZoC? Sorry for tagging you personally, but it seems you know how to address...
I apologize, but despite looking at last ijw replies I haven't noticed any rulings on this. What's the specific rule you refer to? Sorry, I...
Hi, Weird not in terms of IRL reference, but in terms of general rules interactions. Declaring BS attack without lof to the target is...weird ?...
[IMG] Hello, I sincerely hope that despite of this interpretation, one cannot legally declare BS attack as an ARO for someone being in ZoC but...
If they all are to come in 2020, I would be okay with CB doing it based on their player count estimation. Even if it means I would have to wait more.
Friendly Human silhouette, I absolutely agree that angry overreactions are unhealthy, but over these two days I have also seen people white...
Aw, I am sorry... ...CITIZEN Also, guys, why is it so necessary to argue if this was actual change of plans or just their plan all along? While...
Thank you. I work in game dev (not in tabletop tho - in videogames, exec producer) and I appreciate the challenges you might face, and especially...
As a person who has recently bought nearly full range of QK models (in store, not from secondary market), I will hope for the best. Mind, I also...
I look forward to hearing some official news that will confirm my previous impression that CB cares for the players. I can wait a few months for...