Está cargadito de amor el Febrero
Maybe Haqquislam will came with a Hassasin Army Pack on Gencon dates?
You can found the pilot here: -
Try on Diacash And... Try asking for a new Gorgos Reesculpt! :D
I want to have longarms chaksas to paint them, I have always liked how the Chaksas look :3 :3 :3
I hope Taqeul will be the next release after Jaan Staar general release and Chaksa Longarms :p!!!
They arrived today, with such a beautifull box and foam
We have bought 3 playsets, of the 3 armies, we are waiting for them to arrive, I suppose that being in Spain takes a little longer
Ai no... esas fuentes dibujadas al bulto, me rompen todo el diseño >.< Con lo que mola la parte que enseñan en la foto...
[IMG] Este tapete me pone tenso, donde puedo comprar esta maravilla?
Ahora que lo dices, tengo ganas de ver un Hac Tao Lanzamisiles reesculpido
The new HVT from Dire Foes: Void Tango, he looks like an engineer to me hehehe :p
Cool numbers and cool Symbiont design, i ordered my dices yesterday :p
Hahahaha, that play!
Perfect for the initiative roll and to display with your painted miniatures! hehe :p
it's a toy, you can use it or not (Like Nullifier, Nimbus Greanades... etc) but for me, is better have it than not. I already use it in 2 lists...
It would be very, very good! But we have to admit that it is already rare to have 1 normal hacker in our faction, I think it would be very rare...
You must show us the final result!
Ejército: Todos Tropa: Armand Le muet Navegador y Sistema Operativo: Todos Descripción del fallo: - Tanto el perfil de simbionte activa como el...
Yes! Being one of the first to receive promotional items is a real treat!