Pues molaría que fuera como tu dices, jejejejeje Pero en la hoja de ruta de Code One solo aparece un Blister por facción, y tal y como lo puedes...
Según el formato de empaquetado, el Kunai cuenta como heroe Panoco y Liang Kai como heroe Yu Jing así que en EC pues si que molaría Dukash y en...
Otra estrategia que me ha resultado útil contra Atalanta o casos parecidos és hacer una coordinada para pegarle tiritos, obviamente sueles...
Meeeeeeeeh, meh meh meh meeeeeeh, meh meh meh meeeh!
Definetly Maarquise need a miniature, when new Sukeul sculpts to buy?? :D
Jaan Star deployed with a Simbiobomb after landing a mine is like, muahahhahaa, what you will do now, reset or dodge? LAWL!
I miss so much the Camo trick with Libertos, Mines and Clipsos, the Camo-0 fucked that nasty tricky tactic :p
And and and and and, -5pts cheaper than before, that Sniper K1 is really good 30pts resource Better than 32pts K1 Combi profile? Well, not better...
A lot of Haqquislam (Hassasin) concept art was seen during the August videos, you will surely see new models starting in the 2nd half of 2021
To try to cut costs and take advantage of CAP, I usually ugly force myself to take the Taqeul LT Spitfire (39pts + 1.5cap) As he does not usually...
A few were discontinued, and other new miniatures were added If it were up to me, they could discontinue Tohaa every 2 years if they gave me new...
Paratrooper with 2 wounds and BS12, always good! You don't need much else to flank successfully and efficiently but It could be better? Of course
Igual en las listas de torneo, en alguna te puede interesar usar el Sukeul K1 con Repetidor de Posición y un Kamael Hacker, hasta el momento...
Let's gooooo
@Murrdox Your first priorities are completely correct! also pick an eye to the Igao, good profile, awesome miniature ;)
Seguro Seguro! jejejeje lo puedes comprobar aquí :p https://store.corvusbelli.com/wargames/infinity/codeone/combined-army-booster-pack-beta
The social media of the product in March, and you can buy at late April (based on last year product if im not wrong)
https://www.infinitythegame.com/blog/item/853-what-to-expect-from-2021 They mention: We will continue to work for all of you with the same...