Tohaa rules wise have been great since they were released. Their number one issue is that fireteam triad makes releasing new triad models a pain...
Was one extra order what was keeping you from taking the Gorgos? I don’t think so but I figure I’ll try him out anyway since he got a microbuff....
Interesting to see experienced players opinions, I've just been getting started with Tohaa and the Kerail has been a top performer for me.
So as the TAG player was there anything that concerned you or that you were paying extra attention to knowing you were going up against spiral?
I’m talking about the Kosuil
I haven’t tested it yet but the boarding shotgun panzerfaust Kosuil has been calling out to me to stick him in a tri-core. I know the Draal is...
I actually really like this list with the two Surdas and Liberto.... consider it stolen!
This is the first time going into a new edition with these discontinued forces, its easy to say "Just keep using these rules we've already made...
And my wish is that over the next year that doesn't change.
They also said repeatedly at interplanetario "Spiral is tohaa", I hope that vanilla Tohaa with all current available units exists in N4
If the goal is to try and get more people to buy tohaa then its actually really simple, just make sweet models. I get that CB is tired of working...
I got a game in last night that has put me slightly off the Dazer train. Transmission matrix vs Hassassins, my Draal was able to march up a flank...
For what it’s worth I hope they are NA2 for campaign purposes. I’m playing tohaa and spiral right now and I’m not ready to choose one yet.
I was constantly boning myself with it while trying to drop it with a linked Draal. The success I've had has come from an unlinked Draal in a...
Thanks for the replies, I'm still new to tohaa/spiral so breaking and reforming different triads hadn't even crossed my mind, Ill give it a try!
Has anyone messed around with a defensive Tri-core link? I got some games in last night with spiral using the standard Marksman Draal, lsmgl...
Pitchable nullifier would be damn cool.
Just wanted to say thanks for putting this together its a ton of great info. I came back to the game like a week ago and decided to dive into...
What else is in your Tri-Core with the taagma and lsgl Kriigel?