Portable auto-cannon Chacksa linked in Haris with 2 cheapest Brawlers, and (at least now) we getting BS12 DAM16 B3 AP+EXP. Im not that sure how...
I see 3 options here (of course, CB would not listen to us, I know): - remove +1 Lt order and make points discount - Give Rasail and/or Kerail FCO...
Wait, wha... First, is there any player that would prefer Neema for solo runs over Rasail, for example? I barely see her outside links, she's so...
Of course, Tohaa players are a bit unhappy: we got butchered production with zero hopes see it back in the future, with N4 we've lost (according...
That's completely fine. We got new edition, things could be off, and it would be better to fix them sooner, so we all can start playing :)
So... no more nullifiers for our beloved artichokes? Is there any hope to see them again on tohaa builder release?
Gorgos is good mini (and even more - G's pilot is awesome), but Anaconda itself also good looking miniature :) And I didn't get Gorgos and pilot...
Where I can read info regarding N4 pheroware and other Tohaa specific stuff, does wiki got update already? Regarding units, - Still Kriigel...
You do, I suppose. AP Spitfire with +1 Damage, also Anaconda got 6-2 move, +1 ARM, +2 CC, AP CCW with cost reduction... Personally, now Im into...
Ok... overall I see bunch of improvements: Kerail got super-jump, bunch Chacksa Longfangs got some boost (even if they still dont worthy, they got...
Well, I got used to reform links during the game (on casualties, to avoid surprise demasking, etc), so additional token was appreciated.
Well, in first place you choose weird faction tbh :) Above already mentioned, new edition is incoming, so dont rush. And as far as I remember, N4...
I didnt saw any, unfortunately, even spiral box misses it (which is a bit annoying). But I never had issues in playing just pointing that this...
Depends, Kiel-Saan can shred CC oriented troops much easier then Igao, and still be relatively not the worst shooter with red fury/mk12. I...
Hm... I think it would also good to see Kotail Mobile Unit coming into Spiral Corps, he really suits their concept
I believe we'll respect the contracts we'll take, as always. Job is job, after all, and we're those who 'll make it done.
We're on same side, bro, just different methods. This is war, after all.
Why it sounds as bad as removing Tohaa from the game? W/O extension, Tohaa and SC are just dead in future, it requires new releases to just keep...
...Or you can go for both, with taagma's inclusion. Not the best idea, but technically it's also a possibility that may be handful in some situations
Technically you can form Brawler's Haris: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_906.svg Brawler haris...