So far with the revised YJ we have seen, Gong, Adil, I'm not that enthusiastic. Tm me Gong becoming hackable is a draw back. And he's still NWI...
It at least seems fairly cheap for having only 1 STR.
I'm not thrilled with him being HI now either. Its more of draw back. And they are keeping the stupid Hi being 1 vit+nwi! I hardly took him before...
If anyone should have a Thunderbolt, it should be him!
The Tanuki looks like the "Get er done"! team. A little bit of everything. BS13 is a good shot. Good heavy weapons. Warhorse is great on them and...
I'm kind of relieved lol. I'm going to be spending too much money on ISS and JSA next year. But I do think it's in line with the Starmada speed...
This is an idea I had that inspired by the board game Giga-Robo. A fun game playing Giant anime mechs. So what if. They make various TAG Pilots...
@eyalswalrus my apologies for twisting this up. On topic, I think Tunguska will likely get all new troops if they did something new. That just...
Yes sorry I should have been more clear. I meant this is something that could potentially be for anything. In this case BS Attack. but the same...
On which? I'm a graphic designer. You always want high contrast for text to make it easier to read. For the laws, I don't know. In the US it's...
Design 101, do not use white text on grey background! It's actually against the law in some countries. You can be sued by those with visual...
With an SMG! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: One of the few that lives up their name! Yes!
You're right. Sorry brain not working today. You need at lease one Jiza.
BTW how the hell is the Liu Duan supposed to work in a haris with holoprojector? Does the real one or one echoes need to be within 8" of the...
Still not much info on Fireteams. The video says the Shizoku don’t provide purity for Fireteams, but that seems only if mixed with the others. A...
Before it was in Hatamoto. But the No Cover was there due to the Nanoscreen. I think No Cover doesn't kick in for him until he becomes impetuous....
It doesn't' matter to me. Vanilla and Bakunin both got way more than any other faction has gotten in years. I'll be pissed. It will feel like...
Sorry, should have added these. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I found the problem some had with the Bronze and Imm (total) was that many were way too bold with him. I had success with him by treating him like...