Other Good-ish CC TAGs do too. Seraph, O-Yoroi and Gorgos. So it might just be a CC thing.
Actually WB has more units than Ramah, and Ramah has more characters than WB. It still feels like they get more options because everyone and his...
It feels so bizarre that CB has been trying to push shang jis like they are cool for the past two sectorials when they didnt even sell* a mini for...
They are going to resculpt the Cutter for Code One. Because obvsiously the best TAG to resculpt after releasing Winterfor is the one from Varuna.
There's Carmen's completely voluntary hatefuck relationship with her dog.
We'll get a link where the gunners are zanshi and the specialists are fusiliers. We might not like it but that's what peak efficiency looks like.
Tiger Soldier MSR I have no hopes of ir making its way into N4, but I'll always remember the feeling of dropping in my opponents deployment zone...
There's three, aren't there? shas, O-12 and nomads And kinda similar to already existing things like the spiral, JSA and USARF* boxes....
K1, que asi el perfil es mas caro.:H:
I read proper books, with words. Like War and Peace. I'm galaxy brain smart, smarter than you picture book nerds.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:...
La portada roja es la de colores pero ampliada y roja. Voy a decir Fusil de Precision, porque el Mentor Shasvastii lleva uno y es practicamente...
We had this great plotline where all the japanese turned into ISIS* and planned a massive multi-nation conspiracy that noone noticed until it was...
TBH aliens in infinity don't really really work Like, Gutier wants both a complex political system of human states fucking each other. And...
I just read through this madness, so now you will read it too http://www.combatreform.org/m113combat.htm [IMG]
Hey, at least the didn't write it like in Lunah's logo. Or the Hakim's logo. This time they linked the letters properly and from right to left....
I'm not really sure what I just got myself into, but I found this weird ps2 game and even if it is trash the opening movie just made it worth it....
Pasa algo raro con los perfiles del Jujak https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_205.svg Ejército Del Estandarte Blanco...
They gave it to the HRL, which might make it see more table? Maybe?
Holo 2 + Mad Traps = Minefield clearing squad. 2st section looks interesting.