Cerberus Nachrichten Netzwerk did a reac on the 3 nomad factions, I did a quick summary at ia. Counterintelligence Episode 02 - N5 Deep Dive für...
Cerberus Nachrichten Netzwerk did a reac in german on the O-12 generalist, I did a quick summary with the ia. CNN Counterintelligence - Folge 01...
Zombie Sashimi has made a reaction video on February's Infinity releases. A dive into the new releases coming for Infinity [MEDIA]
"Let’s hope that CB does this in the near future." IJW said on discord that he was preparing FAQ and errata and already had a list. In my...
News from warsenal in infinity accessories. Recap into...
New releases from warsenal. Speedball Marker Pack https://warsen.al/products/speedball-marker-pack Crafted with Warsenal's signature quality,...
Winged Hussar Publishing has made a podcast of one of its infinity authors. Episode 13: Craig Gallant Interview Part 2 [MEDIA] Summary by...
Infinity N5 Battle Report - Kestrel Colonial Force vs. Shindenbutai [MEDIA] Liste de lecture Infinity N5...
Sailors of the crew for Arcadia by using proxies Yu JIng. Crew of the Arcadia By Gryff & Pitaine : https://gryff-et-pitaine.fr/?p=270...
Infinity N5 Battle Report - Kestrel Colonial Force vs Tunguska [MEDIA]
Diorama Atalanta By Ben_the_duild, from forum Bureau Aegis : https://www.bureau-aegis.org/forum/index.php?topic=9714.msg124879#msg124879 [IMG]...
Cosplay cyberpunk par ズッキー@大咬重工 @WOLF555EXCEED Poste : https://x.com/WOLF555EXCEED/status/1878438318595006803 [IMG] [SPOILER] Cosplay...
You know Psychoticstorm is greek ? :laughing: But he never said whether he was Myrmidon, Athenian or Spartan,...
There was a third list against military orders, but the quick summary missed it. Infinity N5 - First experience list (Nomads, Bakunin) [MEDIA]...
Here's a topic for indexing videos in German (or so it seems) from cerberusnachrichtennetzwer which does list analysis, tacticas and battle...
Fast panda made a video about the N5 changes. Fast Panda Gaming Live - N5 Initial Thoughts [MEDIA]
Diorama Aftermath arena by El_Tristan228, from reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/InfinityTheGame/comments/1i00arf/aftermath_gamg_display/ [IMG]...
Here's some inspiration on the theme of the Captain Harlock franchise. [IMG] Corvus Belli with his Korsans has officially ventured into the...
cc with no LOS Q: Hi, wasnt there an announced of N5 rules that hitting in cc with no LOS from the victim, the attack automatically crits? In...
There's no need to look for a rational reason, CB only works by following the rule of cool, the reflex reproduction of pop culture, and sometimes...