@A Mão Esquerda still waiting on that answer. Or you can admit you can't defend your point.
"Any" list? How often do you play?
Ok, what if Jazz is in a closed building? That's something that happens. Should the PanO player just forfeit? "GG, you are clearly my tactical...
Well we've got a similarly screwed up issue here and you're defending it. Gee I wonder why?
Pointing out that they're misrepresenting other people's arguments isn't attacking them; your desire to protect Mao from the consequences of *his*...
Mao and Anubis specifically want to ignore the statistical probability of the event.
No, we're looking at the faction holistically, seeing that it both underperforms in terms of power level and on fun/feel, and then dialing in to...
And we can evaluate the efficacy of one set of tools compared to another, and make judgments as to whether or not one set of tools is worse than...
Yup! I get that English isn't your first language and sarcastic insults don't necessarily translate across language lines, but that's how it is.
Oh, I know, I was pointing out that it was particularly bad-*intentioned* design. Like camo Morans, which we almost got.
I've been on this for a while now and people who say the situation is fine just won't admit that Jazz can be hidden in a relatively safe spot...
You never call Mao out for that, though.
Remember, the narrative of Infinity is about the genius Nomads (and Haqq) making the other factions look like idiots. That's all it is.
That was the intent of their design, I'm fairly certain.
I'm not going to stop calling it out when posters are insulting to me.
Nah, when people were complaining about Tohaa going back to N3 and the "make it work" crowd was saying that Tohaa weren't powerful, they were...
What do you mean "given"? We pay for this game. Fundamentally the outlook you're talking about betrays an inability to think critically, evaluate...
Do you want to hear an explanation? I'm guessing you don't.
Of course you jested, it was sarcasm. I understand what you were trying to say, that everyone who disagreed with Mao was being illogical and...
Changing mission design, including progressive scoring, could go a long way. Making hacking (and pheroware) more interactive. Some sort of ARO if...