I like how the new rules work in terms of what used to be dropping TO Camo down to Normal Camo. Now, it's just "camo" and they won't know what...
How would the "all-at-once" rule work here, if at all? I think this may have similar outcomes based on the Dodge + Move interaction.
I'd, personally, like to see the rules say something to the effect of: Skills are checked to be valid as soon as able. LoF checks are done...
All we have is the rules as written, and they are irregular until an official comes to errata that.
Yup, missed that on document search. Thanks!
Hmm, yeah it probably would have been clearer if "Mono" was an ammo type. But then you'd probably have overlap with the Traits section.
This is mostly what I was thinking about. Again, it's not like this can be abused at all and you'd likely want to avoid it if at all possible,...
So, in thinking about the discussion of HD Lt.s, I was wondering if an NCO troop could use the Lt. order of an Lt. still in HD. Obviously, the...
Yes they did.
*There are a couple exceptions...
I agree, it just seems that most people are already interpreting it that way. Since movements can be measured and decided after a movement is...
From the "Important" Box on the right side of Page 21: All details and choices related to the execution of a Short Skill, Short Movement Skill,...
The only thing I don't like about that is that it ignores the perceived change in intent of the rule with regards to enemy troopers (perceived,...
Because LoF is open information that can be "measured" at any time. ZoC cannot.
FTFY as I'd consider that a perfectly effective use of HD. I still think this is possible. You cannot declare a BS attack pre-emptively on a...
No one is disputing that anymore (I don't think). There were two different conversations going on: the one about Dodge + Move, and Bellyflop...
Agreed. It's, honestly, a pretty big change to stealth, especially for CC units, that is written waay too much like the N3 rule.
While I can respect that, bullet 3 specifically calls out the second short skill, not the "other" short skill. If this is the intent, then "had"...
While true, Nourkias' +2" dodge means he could potentially get a 10" move instead of an 8" one. In addition, he would be dodging any incoming...
That doesn't answer the question. The question was whether the -6 applies to the enemy if Penthesilea uses CC Attack, or the enemy does. I am...