Wouldn't declaring move in Base contact turn into an idle? So you could, functionally, still do what you normally do when engaged in CC, you just...
The only reason to do it would be to catch models under an impact template. Even then, it would be a very rare situation where it would be worth...
This is what was added to the rule later to prevent the SJ abuse from happening. The wording before that was exactly as you mentioned here:...
During most of this discussion, I had the feeling there was more common ground than either side let on. Assuming the worst in people is not a...
I would add to the bullets under allowed skill combinations: - Those Entire Order skills that explicitly allow their use in the impetuous phase....
Still waiting for plasma grenades for CA. Makes even MORE sense now since the plasma guns have changes templates.
To be fair, we now have a "Bioimmunity" that literally has nothing to do with the fluff written for it.
This makes my Shasvastii/Samaritans very sad, indeed...
While I, too, would hate to see CdG lose the ability for Proth troopers to gain wounds, it is not necessarily true that it's impossible. The...
That advantage would be that you are cheating... But seriously: as @RobertShepherd said, that would be an illegal fireteam. FWIW I plan on...
And seeing how spotlight changed in N4, literally every unit is "hackable" now.
Unless I'm mistaken, a crit with mono is 84% death. Need to roll 13+ twice. In order to pass both saves, it's 40% * 40% = 16% and passing both...
You definitely are. There would be no point of that bullet if skills had to be able to be declared by both the peripheral AND controller....
...damn you... I will never be able to look at them the same way again.
Interesting. I haven't opened up the fluff book from N4 yet. Is that where this info is?
Well, the way ijw worded it, it sounds like the troopers themselves are not both, but can come from either background. So, Nourkias was a...
Correct. Regular movement happens as soon as you declare the Move skill, but dodge movement only happens after you succeed on the roll. Not only...
You mean active turn. And perhaps even bigger: that move happens after everything else and doesn't trigger anything that it previously would.
A couple of points of contention with the details (though not your overall assessment): - Unidrons already had courage and shock immunity in N3...