Hmmm, curious... @Teslarod Let's say trooper A is behind (but touching) a small ramp (narrow end ending at A's location) in relation to trooper...
Except the fact that if you only made the points and SWC of profiles with private information private... you've made it impossible to keep it...
To put it bluntly: not the reason you think it is private. i.e. not to prevent a player from doing exactly that. The point of the points cost...
In a funny way, that typo kinda makes sense...
Gwaillo HRL would like to have a word with you...
I believe last time this was brought up as a "fix" the rebuttal was something along the lines of... "OK, so I'm going to measure my ZoC of this...
FWIW: Putting your opponent in LoL with your last 1-2 orders is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE use of those orders, IMHO.
FWIW: Jayth are CC specialists, so them being blind is no worse than someone without MSV throwing smoke to chew up someone else in CC (like Datz...
For sure. Adaptive Armor Bioimmunity isn't just about using the higher stat. It's just as effective at reducing the effects of many "special"...
This is the second time someone's said that... so I had to check to see if CB added a profile while I wasn't watching! Got my hopes up, you did :P
I think you may be confused because he used to be "the wiki guy". He is much more than that now with N4.
huh... yeah you're right. I guess that then begs the question: can we, then, extrapolate that to inside ZoC to the same effect? Wait, I don't...
It's easier to understand if you remember that Fireteam: Haris is a skill (that is required for making a Haris team, as pointed out above). Units...
Samaritans have convinced CA leadership that the fog machines they hide under their skirts are "good enough".
Depending on the mission, seed-soldier paramedics could be a good double in Shas. Alas, they are AVA 1 in Vanilla.
Why not just add a biker profile to the.... ...oh... ...sorry.
And here I will humbly request (again) that skills written with effects that are contingent on specific requirements (but not the over all skill)...
and in the rare case that they actually attempt to duck... well, they don't make very good pole vaulters. Samaritans like their meat raw, not smoked.
We already have precedence for this, though. MODs in round brackets after a skill are treated differently if they are "bonuses" or "penalties"....
To the point of the above few posts, I think a better way to write the skill would be to outline the fact that it can be done once, not emphasize...