Good one, so deploy seed-soldiers always prone :)
Can seed-soldiers be in prone state, while be in seed state :) ? Otherwise, lacking concealed label on their camo makes them obvious with their S0...
Weeeell... Ok. Got it. But after reading forwrad on cc special skills (which surprise attack is): CC Special Skills are Specials Skills that can...
ee...but assault has a cc attack inside it, as a part of skill...hmm Ok, so if I understand you well then Special Maneuver: Discover + BS Attack...
but it does drop camo, and everything in infinity is simultaneous + dropping camo usually means it is off for entire order (maybe that is why...
Soooo...that also means that surprise shot + speculative fire (huznakut lgl for example) doesn't work?
Good point on liberto - defuser. Prety solid list. I like it very much. (well except druze - I don't like druze as a unit... but anyway - I guess...
It does not ... as it do not posses -repeater- piece of equipment... EFFECTS Overclock grants all the REMs with the Repeater piece of Equipment...
Eh...what is purpose for group 2? It will only make you to loose two orders if you're going to start ... So in first group you will have !!5!!...
hmm...jammer do not require vision and can be used in aro. Are you sure about imbalanced e\m launcher? I had quite a lot of games with it,...
@SuperD Whery nice reports, only important and main features. Short and rich! Riots + Cateran -all way to go :) I think that white noise is not...
Support it too .:( Why no changelog yet? :(((
so, to sum up @DukeofEarl and @colbrook you say that It Is a bug, that army builder allows you to deploy only one holoecho instead of two?
Is it bug or feature: can you have up to two holoecho states (for example have a miniature to deploy with only one holoecho)? According to rules...
eem.... Trying to clarifying things is bad? Ok, they won't cover all "intent" issues with first FAQ, but they'll work a little bit, carefully...
Interesting position. This answer can be used to react on everything they are doing with rules. Why negotiating with my opponents during tourneys...
So.... they had to shut down Rogue Warcor groupe to actually do the same thing but with a longer time schedule? I know personally some of the...
say No to wip 11 objective roll, say Yes to objective auto success! Not every army for example has chain of command to have +3 to wip. I had once...
Army builder was updated. TAK sectorial. Does anyone else is sharing my disappointment in motorized 112 (112 on a motor is just ... usual and...
eee....sometimes? I'd say pretty often...for example brawlers? taquel (is it ever going to be released)? uhlan? pluszczenko? rudras? apsara?...