Wee-e-e-ell...for a hunter Knauf has a so-so equimpent and deployment. Sniper rifle means he is better to sit somewhere far away from template...
hmm... I never counted on druze to do majority of a "job"... Hunzakuts, bashi-bazooks, Togan (or Togan+MSV2 Browler), peacekeeper - those usually...
I, personally, don't think basic rules can make competitive infinity. The whole game is based on like 60% to wound enemy which is considered good...
sorry for misunderstanding, and my intention wasn't to be offensive...
eeeem....you're calling e\m lgl amazing, but in last game you've spend like 8+ orders on it without any success, only at the end of the game it...
Patsy shoots back with 2 shots on 8s against my 3 shots on 15s - hmm...strange move from Varuuna...Patsy could've flash pulse you if it was more...
Welcome to Infinity, a game never played 100% to rules! :) If you'd carefully read each hacking program description, you'd notice that each of it...
Yep, it is contrintutive, but it true... Honestly ;) I came to it after reading: The EVO Hacking Device allows use of the Tactical Support...
From my experience, after winnig local league with druze... It is better not to have more then one hacker in fireteam \ or you can have several,...
Many thanks!!
Cadmus 1. I don't think so, as it is not a deployment, but replacement. You can normaly deploy seed embryo in prone state, which can be passed to...
Hello, dear infinity community... Suddenly, I start thinking I've been playing wrong following things: 1. DTW and Close Combat. Can daturazi with...
I like the fact he is berserk with d-charge. Paired with another yaun-yuan, he can get some smoke cover and go killing in cc.
Did you notice in daedalus fall fat yuan yuan description? I thought he'd be a new character in army builder. What do you think - wouldn't it be...
Well...I wouldn't count on that new edition will fix a lot. Creators are the same, so why would they work better - some new errors will appear,...
From infinity wiki: "For the entirety of its Order, a troop that declared a Movement can draw a 360˚ LoF." I don't think that idle or discover...
Druze faction - is so weird to play. If there would be a brawler HMG and 5 member link of brawlers - we'd almost never see Druze Unit in Druze...
Morats - according to fluff, those are the beasts who fight effective and till last drop of blood. I think "Dogged" rule should be included in...
I think, pherobooster should work (marking the antenna), because from description of pheromonic ammunition: The effective use of this ammunition...
Comparison and utility. Kiel-Saan is not the best cc fighter, and is not the best shooter in Spiral corps. If you need fat shooter, maybe it is...