Weeell....on tournaments, experienced players DO know who can be a LT in your army. In my point of view it is a good and fair\polite way to play...
Just out of curiosity - do you play any other scirmish with you friends and why, after Infinity failed? Might be helpful )
Sounds reasonable... I think they should not try to catch the much as possible of market. Infiinty is not going to fit everybody taste. I think...
The game is not about shooting...too random. Like being in Casino, you always have a chance to loose :(
True... My mistake ;( We'll see then... 0_0
or ...mostly to former WH40k\WFB players tired from complicated and long senseless games... And there are also Deadzone, Kaosball, ??Blitzball??,...
True...true You may try to play with some fluffy stuff, but it will be a more demanding play ;(
Will your non-wargaming friends ever-Ever-ever buy any Operation XY box for themselves? I was saying that buying such box for a common boardgame...
Huh ...? He can be deployed either camoed (which gives him camo state and mimitism, but only till he is in marker state), either having decoys......
Weeeell.... eclpse smoke is a known ultimate weapon :) I think only mines\mad traps\crazy coalas counter it... (some crocman\ regular minelayers)....
Bu-u-u-ut... Why would you buy/play a boardgame (a pretty random one) with awfully limited replay value. Also this board game is not cheap. Also,...
Tell us about your fails/success after the game!;)
Neither Black Friar, or Nisses good for active turn. you have TAG for this. If he dodges - you shoot, if he special dodge - you put two...
True, should be better. Thing is ... it is easier to place in some sniper nest nisse, then find a good place for black frier (in my opinion)...
I feel sad for them, too ... So many different games, but their heads can't fit any more, can't change... terrible...terrible... :)
Your list is nice and unexpecting ;)...PanOc can make a surprise 0_0... I think you're good with what you've created. I myself might play...
wow.... I don't know why, but I feel sad for this people 0_0 ... They saw light glimpse of Sun, but that was enough to blind them ;(...so sad :(
I'd also try Su JIan assault. With his freedom of movement it is sometimes possible to find un expected angles to shoot down your enemies. But...
Can't believe that. That might happen only in a world where Infinity is the onliest game on a market. Ok...might be, but still it should be like...
Hmmm....if Code One will be that simplified ... I don't know who will play it. Experienced tourney players - like very rare, I guess... Newbies...