I'd say ... keisotsu, so you can use other super-fun things in Ikari sectorial... :) But let me to share some thought and experience... Played two...
Smoke? Usually warbands are good magnets for discovering all the TO snipers (they perform aro not to allow warbands to reach deployment)... When...
eeh...strange...how did you make that conclusion, I've wrote that it was not a good idea at the end of post 0_0. I'd use krakot only if I see a...
... .but usually good player guards his flanks with DTW ... - was said in context of possible situation, not about you, or me or anyone play in...
I did not say anything about "bad player". Different point of view at most. Having different playstyle do not mean someone is better.
You've wrote about moderator guarding the flank. What if flank will be guarded by some cheap dtw (which is more often vs good opponents)? I wont...
hmm...but usually good player guards his flanks with DTW disposable ikadrones, volonteers, scirmishers, flamer bots, mines, koalas etc. Krakot is...
I guess, we have some misunderstanding. My point is: loosing impetuous for a missile guy is bad, as you won't benefit a lot from cover bonuses (if...
Nothing...but yet... you're being approached in 8" range by Krakot, if you dodge - SMG, if you shoot - 2x dtw - loooks like a\b situation to me....
eeem....why would you rely on good ods for shooting then out of cover? if you're going always to choose dtw if being shot at, and shooting if your...
eeem.... since when those guys are used for gun fighting? Most of time those are one-time missiles with DTW wepon\CC suicide kill? (Krakots...
And I thought impeteous order was a bonus for krakots, not a liability .... 0_0
Can you elaborate, please, a little more on those humber. Who is active and reactive, what weapons/burst?
Arm roll against e\m, exp ammunition is scary for tag, even without autowound. Overall... I had some veeery unpleasent games where opponents...
It is one-way logic. One crit is not going to kill TAG. But will kill one wound model. High armour doesn't mean you won't roll some low numbers...
I don't like crits too....and I also think they should be weakend...buuut I can't agree that autowound is the worst part of critical. In my...
You cant hack them...buuuuut.... here come cybermines which are not exploding on non-hackable things ... such a nice game, where everything has an...
From kickstarter experience (backed myself several projects with boardgames, from small to big with tons of plastic) it is never done in time. I'm...
I hoped there would be a separate pledge for miniatures only ... hope lost ;((((( Interesting, will there be separate blister\box releases of...
hmm...maybe try Deadzone (starter for two players is not expensive and has lots options for list building.)? Malifaux rulewise is very strong, in...