oh, my bad reading...! Thanks for clarification!
Hello, dear community! I might've read rules wrong, but from counterintelligence rule: Alternatively, this Special Skill counteracts the limit...
Interesting list! how do you deal with some powerfull alstrikers, like avatar, sheeskin, swiss-guard hmg?
I share the frustration of the author and do not get the people, who say "hey they just died, can't play them"... That is just strange. Buy box,...
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. But, probably, I've missed something: why libertos are missing in Ikari army? Why Arslang and...
I'd also add my doubts\thoughts on n4 morats: Overall - I'm happy with changes (not the quality, but the fact we have any... I always feel soorry...
Never seen smth like this during a tourney and that it would bring some win...? Veeery sceptical... And all mines got blown away by fast enemy...
Ah...hmm... It is a very difficult strategy to support Raicho that way. It is much more easier and safer go hunt with Raicho, but keep in reserve...
Doctor worm might be a little bit ...of more utility? Do you want to attach slave drone to kurgat and leave it out of it's haris?... in old army...
Aaand why exactly to build this expensive haris anyway? Their shooting is on same level with raktoraks, and only better then...
Kurgats seem to be... Hmm... worse? :(
Disappointment ;(... Why Arslan got nothing...
some misunderstanding probably... from official website it is written that polish post office is not going to send anything abroad, but still...
Orrrrr....go and invest into implementation of normal sci-fi scirmish turn based (real-time?) strategy for pc\ios\android\mac (defiance profits...
Everybody relax... hype and panic has already scared the shit out of CB... If they were planning it before, I doubt they'd do it now. In real life...
In my local area (Poland -> Krakow) infinity has some difficult times. And there are some reasons for it Two main competitors for Infinity (in my...
When I played local league with druze - yes...one fugazi+linked smart missle+huzakuts+peacemaker heavy shotgun... I always played with two...
I'm not fan of Duo ;) never played that, almost never seen duo on tourneys... Smth from expirience though: 1. ninja KHD should be in group 1 in...
Al Fasid is an interesting miniature... which is not easy to use. I'd enjoy any new stuff in druze sectorial and if there is an al fasid in...
eh...there is e/mauler + smg two points cheaper profile... (who can go suppressive) ... I don't feel like this Staar benefits a lot from buffed CC...