All of that stuff in the text about "nullify the Comms Attack against them and avoid all Damage and special effects from the Attack" is just what...
EMP vs. an electric ignition. Even a gas hog has an electric ignition system in the future. :)
The only reference I've been able to find to "Specialist Trooper" so far is in the advancement options for the O-12 Officer ability (Katherine Cho).
If your question is "Is something still face-to-face even if it's impossible for one side to actually do anything to the other?", the answer is...
For what it's worth, Infinity really tends to split between: Lieutenants that you can hide in your list, such as the "basic trooper with added...
Vehicles have been in the rulebook since 2nd edition (that drop pod thing) while CB has stated at the same time not wanting to do vehicles for a...
That’s right. You don’t go into loss of lieutenant, even if everyone playing and all the spectators are all absolutely positive there’s no way...
I’d accept that bargain. :$ :D
I don't see what there is to be done about any of this. Corvus Belli introduced CodeOne for two reasons: A. To make it easier for retailers to...
*Holds up metal Caskuda and throws my voice so that it's the Caskuda talking* I volunteer myself as tribute for recasting!
How can I be both relieved and disappointed that CB won't cast figures in ginger? :disappointed_relieved:
Both. You aren’t allowed to declare Discover against the same target when you’re not allowed to “attempt” it; and if you somehow got to resolve...
If you think “move in as straight a line as possible” is unambiguous.... D: Which is straighter: A line with three (3) five degree turns, or a...
Seems to be a pretty deliberate change to eliminate things like “I throw smoke at the camo marker” or “Mirrorball, mirrorball, mirrorball!” Or...
The point brought up earlier still stands, though. Whatever other obstacles you’re trying to get past, if you (however briefly it would be) make...
No. Because you can try to use the same justification to declare “BS Attack + Discover” (instead of Discover + BS Attack) against a camo marker....
Next thing you know you'll get into a discussion over the proper pronunciation of zounds (does the vowel sound like 'sound' or 'wound')....
The trench hammer isn't disposable because you lose it, it's disposable because it only has so many rocket charges. It's like the old Votoms...
One of the things I’ve said before in previous threads like this on is that crits pretty much exist to make a certain style of player unhappy by...
That thread is a good example of why there’s no comprehensive timing sequence for anything—exceptions are written in an ad hoc manner and...