But you still have to overcome an important hurdle: Every other mechanism for hurting a friendly model with an attack has been removed. Not even...
The Dodge declared during the same order as the Place Deployable does not trigger the D-Charge because it’s not able to react until after the end...
The difference is that BS Attack is the one LoF skill where you actually care which particular line of fire line is used. You win a prize if you...
The blue OG Morat color scheme is still the best. :heart_eyes: I think the thing is they were trying to get a color scheme related to the...
Then get your friend to provide a convincing explanation to why the example diagrams don’t show what your friend says they should.
The ridiculous interpretation (that you can walk through the template and force it to be cancelled by reaching base contact with an enemy) also...
There have been enough errors in the examples in the Infinity rulebooks that this is not Corvus Belli's policy.
No. The English rules text is wrong because CB messed up the wording. Because it didn’t magically change overnight from N3 for no reason.
It’s not a matter of “was it possible to activate?” If you’re in your reactive turn and you have an ARO and don’t take it, you don’t activate....
That rule about removing two orders has to be an exception, or it’s pointless because it wouldn’t do anything ever. The rule for spending a token...
How many Imetrons and Netrods do we need to sacrifice in order to get a damned change log (or even just a list of all the data file changes)?
I think you have to go with: - Holoprojector kicks in at deployment (the state has the correct timing, the skill doesn’t) - Hidden deployment does...
Can’t the durability of the armor be used to explain why those troops have two wounds?
Counter argument: - You have a controller trooper A and an unconscious servant model B in a combat group. You spend a command token to move...
No, it wouldn’t resolve to Idle. Just like Reset vs. a normal ammo BS Attack doesn’t resolve to Idle—you only switch to idle when dealing with...
Personally, my plan when the expansions came out had been to sit down and compile everything electronically. And then work on or help out with...
Sure, and you could just have the ships in orbit commit kamikaze attacks (accelerating full power straight down). And it would be stupid for the...
The “squeezing” rules don’t somehow stop working if you’re on top of terrain that’s next to prone models, nor do the vaulting rules. You’re not...
I don’t know about CB, but Wyrd seems to get a good deal of sales out of producing alternate sculpts and unnecessary alternate versions of...
This is a false claim. The same term can occur multiple times in the same sentence or paragraph, let alone on the same page, with a different...