Sure. The main reason for this (in spite of the fact that there's no real sequencing specified for how the effects step should be resolved) is...
Answer: The part in the rules where you’re told that you specify where the attack is made from, especially when the attacker has declared a...
For Auxbots that AVA should probably be '-' instead of 0. You're only getting them when they're listed as part of another trooper's profile, so...
What’s your question? The rules specify that some effects happen at different times, referencing the phase. That is how “detailed timing” is...
Clearly the answer is yes, although like many things the timing is ad hoc and not centrally specified. Just in case you’re planning a follow up...
It took me a while to figure out what the timing scenario for this was. If I'm not mistaken, it's this one: - Activate and declare a Move into...
This isn’t a situation created by the FAQ, the only thing the FAQ does is move the “red zone” into existing models.
Try saying that the way that uses probability: 5 percent of the time (when you roll a one) there is no need to do any math. 95 percent of the time...
This is incorrect at the statement that trooper-C isn’t considered “declared” yet. See the example the next bullet point in Look Out and the...
Concerning Assisted Fire on the remote pilot, the part that stops it is “if applicable”: When Mounting a TAG or Vehicle, the TAG or Vehicle...
You evaluate whether any LoF exist before you’re required to actually choose one to use for the attack. (It’s a line—you’re choosing a position...
As far as I can tell, this is the sequence of events: 1.1 gets released containing the revised order declaration sequence while also containing...
Honestly, I think you're making up a large number of steps here, when you're essentially just specifying the details for the skill. The details...
Yeah, as if "Even though I just said that you have to satisfy the line of fire requirements for BS Attacks when you declare the attack, I didn't...
The quantum intercept dodge died at the end of second edition. There may have been a party to celebrate. :smiling_imp: The important thing to...
Make sure that you have the miniature or miniatures for each card. Remember that some of the cards represent two or three figures (those cards...
Counter point from a previous discussion thread: Short version: No.
I don’t think I’ve seen any evidence of good faith from the OP on the topic. And before mentioning things like the fact that the games been...
The deployable repeater can be placed in zone of control (not just in base contact) because of the line: In the Deployment Phase, the user may...
It seems to me that if you have a FAQ like this one: Q: During the Impetuous Phase, How should an Impetuous Trooper move when it has already...