I see you already made the point that I was going to reply to you with in the CodeOne thread. I agree 100%, so much so that I’m going to repeat...
Army: Ariadna Troop: Volkolaks and Veteran Kazaks Version: iOS (not sure about web browsers) Issue: These Heavy Infantry models have neither the...
Hi @theclaw I really do enjoy the videos you guys produce. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep watching. All the best, John.
100% this. Honestly I could type more but all the reasons are perfectly stated by holycannoli here.
Can someone sticky this thread? Also, has anyone had any confirmation from CB that they look here for Code One errors or clarified whether or not...
Army: Combined Army Troop: Shrouded Version: iOS (not sure about web browsers) Issue: Shrouded Hacker is not equipped with a Hacking Device
Perfect. I’ll add it to the “print some out” list :) Thanks @Lawson and @toadchild
That’s great! Thanks! I honestly don’t think there’s any other C1-specific variations of tokens you’ve already covered off for N4.
@Lawson I don’t know if I even have the right to ask, nor if my ask is even worth the time and effort it would take to produce or even consider...
That’s some top-drawer pedantry and it doesn’t go unappreciated :) That specific detail changes the perception of what’s happening just enough...
Hi folks. So the rules for Nanoscreen say: “In game terms, a Nanoscreen provides its user with 360˚ Partial Cover, providing the Trooper with...
Watching it now :)
Just to add: Yet Caliban do have the Shasvastii rule in N4, as such, the omission in CodeOne appears to be an oversight
I’m using the iOS app. I’ll do the ol’ uninstall/reinstall. Thanks!
Most of the Shasvastii troops in Code zone have the Shasvastii skill. The Caliban is an exception to this although they gain the skill in N4....
I spotted some irregularities when looking through the Combined Army listings Effectively rules or terms that apply to N4 but not to CodeOne: 1)...
• Game: Code One • Army: Combined Army • Troop: M-Drones and T-Drones • Description of the bug: Effectively they have a term that applies to N4...
• Game: Code One • Army: Combined Army • Troop: Shasvastii Special Armored Corp Sphinx • Description of the bug: Unit has the Remote Presence...
Posting this in the event anyone from CB sees it. Firstly, this isn’t a criticism. It’s a question and a request at the same time. Question:...