It would be interesting of they come precoloured, doubt they will.
2-3 points more for a camouflaged warhorse order that is safely hidden under a camouflaged marker and has a template weapon? what is not to like?
First and foremost shoving anything people conceptually do not like to NA2 shows really poor understanding in lore and mechanism. Secondly...
She is a solid grenade launcher in an environment were access to grenade launchers has been limited, people who thought before the speculative...
Get well soon.
I am hoping that now that the vacations are over there subjects along with quite a few clarifications will start to be addressed, I unfortunately...
I did not reduce the usage of Doctors and Engineers either, but I have seen linked Medikits and Gizmokits been favored over the proper skill.
That is understandable.
Any S2 model should work, if you want to lean on the ATEK side of their fluff maybe Ariadna models?
Good luck in your tournament!
I do not think Calibans are getting really worse, or better said less essential, but yes, Sensor bots are something rarely seen and yet essential...
If that was the case, why would they bother to put them there in the first place and not remove them with the edition change?
That is correct, probably a balance to make doctors/ engineers more relevant again?
Something like that.
I would try 3-4 pure duos and one Haris maybe?
Your work is really appreciated.
That is fair, I think Gizmokits removing states is a common wish.
what type of fireteams you try to create?
Really nice, dark and ominous.
That is true.