Contemporary politics. That been said I would rather avoid again the discussion of what is deemed offensive and what is not deemed offensive by...
I am guessing to have an Ariadna "marine" force that protects their new fleet and newly established colonies and that is logically to be...
Yes, that is what I am talking about, essentially we are in the "a mine cannot trigger a mine" situation but instead of having a passive thing...
That is inconsistent though, if they generate an ARO why would they not trigger a mine or a deployable?
Kosmoflot fights outside of spaceships and space stations too.
That is the logical solution, first time we see the weapon.
Different names really, while I will need to study what Thamyris name means, Timarete means "Honour(s) the virtue(s)" definitely not what the...
No, not really.
Will be quite interesting to see Yu Jing in such theme.
Thanks, much appreciated.
Please do, I like getting more views on a subject.
Its -1 to the save roll, so after the save roll is established (Weapons PS+ARM+Cover) one point is subtracted.
You mean SR-1?
Well jumping mines exist right now, it is another solution.
The proposed solutions are in the two other threads? Make USAriadna Great Again Updating Ariadna for N5 Ill watch the discussions there with much...
I still think they are worth it, maybe they will even allow for IA to have another LT than a Daoying, though I seriously doubt it.
Yes, why not?
I will agree on that.
I understand the frustration, I hope it will be improved soon.