Mimetism -6 units are quite good at removing turrets.
I too am waiting for key elements to be released before playing them, I do not see them broken as some people say, but I think there is a...
That paint theme looks amazing....
I am not sure, the reports I see have different thicknesses and failure points even on the same miniature to draw a solid conclusion, so far I...
Probably slated for rework and possible resculpt further down the line, though it is probable at least some of the sculpts will be retained if...
While I understand the sentiment, on the other hand it is good that game design and balance is not tied to the models weapons as the sins of the...
So? you agree?
In my opinion, Null Deployment is the worse advice one can give to N5, N5 seems to be constructed to punish Null Deployment as a strategy.
Too simple really, abstracted and redacted too much.
Overall MO are solid, the consensus is they need a rework to be a proper N5 faction, there is no consensus on what parts and especially how.
As far as I am aware of, no. Players feel it should be a discount, but it has never been disclosed if it is, or it is not.
I would really not object to more Joan sculpts, she looks petite and too slim next to newer knights.
Looking great!
A mixture of knights and firebases, though so far the non knight firebases have been used in a secondary role as the knights Duo in one list and...
That is weird as I have only played MO so far in N5 and did not encounter such issues yet. These are the two most recent lists I tried....
That assumes you do not use the range advantages knights have and that you did not capitalize on the turn that triggered the frenzy and that you...
That is tremendously too abstractive, a single SMG would be god tier if the entire CC armies did not have the tools to walk around it, for example...
I find these statements quite puzzling, look if you find the fact you do not get -3BS from been in cover that restrictive fine I guess, but its...
Yes, that configuration looks nice.
Looks great actually, do you think adding violet to the under parts of the hips armour/ skirt would give it a better differentiation?