From the moment Sectorials got introduced Generic list was supposed to be the place when people can use their "factions collection", N5, however...
First and foremost I find your aversion for Military Orders appalling... Jokes aside, if the metric of MO having only 3 units in generic, well......
Ever since FFG popularized custom dice systems there has been complain about them, likewise when games shifted from D6 to other dice there was and...
I understood what has been said, I do not follow or understand that logic. "something may happen in the future, so why do anything" is not...
They got permission to share.
Echo chambers tend to do that, amplify the signal which may or may not be reflecting the real life situation.
I really do not follow, or understand that logic.
I do the same, but used a Tohaa model I liked instead of thinking that, that would be better.
really really nice.
To make a really convoluted and overcomplicated discussion a bit simpler, the video says these sectorials are been removed, if and when we decide...
I never thought of using her as Spitfire Authorized Bounty Hunter...
Triangulated fire is the most obvious counter, but forcing the model to not do a BS attack is also a counter. In general I like them, they are a...
That is still impressive.
It looks like December is full of adorable murderbots.
Please do remember that there will be sectorial exclusive units, if something is not in Generic list, it does not mean it will not be in a sectorial.
Mentor hacker and Haiduk Marksman rifle[ATTACH]
At this point, the new edition has not been launched and there are no "generic list" products yet, what exists is sectorial products.
I will disagree with the idea, you look at warcrow at post launce state and N5 at pre, pre launce state, officially N5 release is November and at...
With this change? quite well, the issue was before were you could not see. I had the pleasure of bringing a white banner list and facing two...