The Namurr reminds me of a mini Su-Jian and that makes me happy. Fingers crossed for a Flammenspeer Naffatun profile, I love those guys.
Congrats on the results! Love the double Zhencha list heh. And I'm glad you got some use out of the Yan Huo, Mowang, and Liu Xing as well! So I'm...
Love seeing some IA in action. Thanks for the battle report! Can't wait to see more!
Would be nice. Regardless, super stoked to get a Zhencha model, I love those guys.
It was a bit of a troll response. Let's not retread that and stick with White Banner before this thread gets derailed though =P I like the idea...
Have you played the match yet? I've been wanting to experiment with something similar to your first list for awhile (Haidao MSR with backup Haidao...
I like to think of it as "what flavour of grey are you?" Even what we typically consider the worst stuff isn't full out "lulz evil". For example...
Been really enjoying your tournament reports, so thanks for posting! Your 4th round opponent going undefeated after some fishy-sounding play in...
Huh, coulda sworn it was confirmed somewhere, but the entry in Third Offensive is completely first person. Well anyways, I hope Tai Sheng is...
That was fantastic! I figured it'd just be fun to see some IA in action, but you've got me invested in your story and characters now too heh....
Some super cool ideas in this thread! I really like the idea of making the zombies have CC:Automatic to cut down on the dice rolling considering...
Why do you think the HRL wouldn't be popular? A linked super-jumping HRL that also puts out a scary ARO seems really good!
To be fair, I think you might have left the Khawarij's weapons on pistols or something since they're firing at -6 while the Orc's firing at +3....
Has anyone tried a REM heavy list? Since our attack remotes are so good, thought this might be a fun starting point:...
Do you think there will be a dedicated Pango FTO model released? Since there isn't one, what do you use to represent it - the base Pango or the TR...
In 3rd Offensive, the name refers to a bird called the knife-falcon so that's what they were aiming for. I don't think the Daoying are remote...
I'd be tempted to swap the mech-engineer for a 5th fireteam member, but then it gets kinda scary having no way out of IMM-2 or isolation. You...
Couldn't you use a Lu Duan for the same role? Or is it too squishy to wander into the midfield?
Also I find if you're threatening heavy weapons out of a link (or something like an HRMC), people tend to keep their stuff hidden so you have more...
So I've played a couple of matches with IA and the Zhencha have been pretty good for me. Starting in marker state on a tall building midfield...