I like new Krit as a midfield hunter. HSG lets him eat squishy infiltrators, and having a deployable repeater is awesome. Jeong will definitely...
I might be wrong here, but AFAIK, you need the actual Haris skill to form a Haris, which means a Zuyong is necessary - it's the two Yan Huo that...
The Yan Huo being 4-4 is actually a big deal now that I think about it. I mostly treated the old Yan Huo haris as a more-or-less stationary turret...
IA fireteams have me REALLY excited. I'm curious how much having 2 Haidao in a link might change things as well, not to mention maybe using the 21...
Lack of Jujak fireteam is kinda weird imo. Honestly, the only thing that has me really scratching my head so far is the fact that Qiang Gao got...
I really doubt it'll happen, but if the FTO really is gone, B3 Yan Huo Neuro ML in ARO would be pretty funny.
The Liu Xing also got a real CC weapon and a bump to 20 CC, so getting engaged on landing isn't quite as bad as before.
That does make the TA HMG/Tai Sheng tinbot/Haidao KHD standby much better since you can run it alongside a core. I dig the paramedic profile...
I wonder how necessary Fairy Dust is going to feel with the likelihood of increased hacking. We've (probably) still got our tinbots, but the...
For me, it's all the badass power armor. I picked YJ pretty much because of the promise of Invincible Army, and I love them, strengths and...
I hope there's still a Tinbot B. It was one of our unique things, and I hardly think it was game-breaking.
I know Bostria isn't the end-all for rules, but he does use Tinbots as an example here: [MEDIA] edit: Seems timestamps don't work? It's at about 8:25
So I just noticed in the video today that Tinbots work against jammers now. Not quite as relevant with the jammer nerfs, but it does help our...
Welcome! Mind the salt.
Heh, ditto. He just oozes style. As for his weird profile, in a faction with Kuang Shi, I can't ever imagine Counterintelligence being on an...
Well, if White Company has contracts with the SSS, I could see Aleph having embedded assets, maybe to represent loan/support troops for the...
The HRMC Yan Huo and Hac Tao were what made me go Yu Jing. I already loved power armor, and a Broadside-style artillery piece and super hi-tech...
While it lasts, it's kinda nice to be on the receiving end of frenzy shenanigans for once. Hopefully there's a more elegant solution in N4.
To be fair, together they cost the same as a Hulang. :stuck_out_tongue: I'm really curious about Adil! I find it's always tough to fit sensor...
I feel like some sort of Jujak duo might be worth experimenting with, spearheaded by the spitfire. They can run up to the midfield quickly, clear...