Superglues love surface area. The more surface area in contact and the CLOSER the contact, the better as far as it's concerned, and roughening up...
I haven't been paying attention to the TAGraid stuff. What's a triphammer?
Perception is not reality. (Just because it looks bad to some people doesn't make their pov the correct one).
Wylde83 (another forum member) has some really cool adboard art in his cyberpunk city terrain boards.
I'm fine with it, but none of my fireteams in my NCA, Starmada or Corregidor have really been affected by any of the changes so far. I've never...
On the browser version it's a button inside the little window where the army list is compiled. [img]
Nice effort. I'm working on one that includes number and type of primary objectives (markers or physical props) too.
It was a piece of rubber tank tread. Most likely 1/35 as it's the most common scale to get those for here. There were a few 1/8" (3ish mm) wide...
I've not been the biggest fan of a lot of CB sculpts over the last few years - but when they get it right, I express my approval of them by buying...
Picked up a beyond crimson stone box yesterday - and the vostok was a pleasant surprise after reading some of the hyperbole in this thread. A...
Yes. That's the one. I don't fully understand the mechanic myself - and nobody has ever done this in games against me, so I've never seen it used.
Intelcom isn't a specific card. As detailed in the current ITS document (Frozen roads) on p13. INTELCOM CARD As stated in some scenarios, it is...
My ones look like little metal bristled toothbrushes (and they often come in a set - you can often get them in the local "dollar store" equivalent...
You can even get aluminium bristled brushes (they're even softer than the brass ones) - mine are the kind usually used for cleaning small contact...
Brass wire brushes are part of my paint stripping toolkit, so that's good to know.
They look like the miniaturescenery "Paranoia city" tiles (available in the USA through ELW). 12"x12" elevated tile sections (the basic ones come...
For Aussie, beers, yeah. The US trumps us when it comes to shit foamy stuff, though. :D Fosters is like an angel crying on your tongue...
I'm old school. I still make terrain by hand - but that's because I have neither access to a lasercutter or a 3d printer - but I have plenty of...
In the charts, it lists Haris, core and "special", which is specified on the next page. That special is a duo.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Worse would seem to make them less ubiquitous ... (if they aren't as good, then they won't show up so often. Uncommon - not ubiquitous) ... not...