So THE key change to Tohaa from N3 to N4 is Pheroware; there are now a significant number of troops in Tohaa that come with Pheroware baked-in....
[IMG] First one, my LIMB (cybernetics installation shop/clinic from the Deus Ex series of games) building. [IMG] Next up, my sushi shack, the...
I kinda miss shadow zones. Made about half of our tables unplayable for grenades ... But I also miss "elevators" and the catch-all...
and a studio that won't interfere with the source material to make it more "consumable".
I use my go-to rattlecans for undercoating. It's only the rest of the painting that gets done with acrylics. Vehicles get done with my...
Several well known brands of model cement (polystyrene cements) HAVE switched to an n-butyl-acetate solvent (from the Toluene they used to use...
Thanks for the heads-up.
She could be taken in N3 Bakunin, but didn't have a fireteam option listed in the "fireteams" list (as of the "profiles 3.8" pdf where the army...
I should be available this coming Friday (28th April).
Wednesday and thursdays are out for me. I'll try for a friday or saturday - I'll let you know.
Gav became a dad again. Which seriously eats into one's gaming time (so I've noticed). I'll try and get out more - I know the store hours have...
Nothing I've seen on it says that it needs anything. I still give mine a wash - but it's usually to get rid of any stray sanding dust from the...
I finally got around to building myself a spraybooth for my airbrush. Started with a 120l plastic storage tub. Added some 90mm plumbing pipe,...
I went for PanO specifically because I liked their models. Not for gameplay, or uber profiles. Purely for models, because the rest of it is...
Lucky for me, I wasn't working at the con. I just had other things that I had to do that weekend. If things work out for me next year, I should...
It's not the indulgences that sets them back into middle-ages. It doesn't help the allusions, but it's not purely because of it.
/s If you've learned one thing over the last 6-7 years, it should have been that "their own preconceived notions will trump a proper data set 9...
Druze? You mean the red-headed stepchild of the QK? Those Druze?
What a world we live in. When a company makes changes to army units in THEIR game, and certain players of that army seem to have no other option...
... and this is why I don't play vanilla nomads. Corregidor: The one true path. None of that bs in a better package.