Great Cthulhu opens one sleepy eye ... sees that the insignificant monkey-things have started the insanity without him and goes back to sleep....
I got Ariadna. My views on the backwoods backwards hicks of Dawn are rather well known. I wouldn't play them if you paid me to. So the quiz is...
The cube 2.0 symbol is a slightly different version of the 'cube' symbol. It has a little yellow marker in the top. Functionally the same when...
Sadly, a lockable cash box does not discourage theft. It merely encourages the theft of the entire unit. The lock itself isn't that secure (a...
I like the fuzzbots. The rest I'll pass on.
Aleph has scant mention in the "core rules" part of any edition so far up to and including N4. It was introduced in N2 Human Sphere - and then in...
Zinge does some great flexible ammo feed belts that will prevent hair loss if you have a TAG or other model with flimsy metal ammo belt that keeps...
I just don't like kilts. So neither of those two varangian models will get used. As for *when* they will get added ... When I can afford to get...
I painted and converted about 35 models for infinity - my "pile of shame" was 37. The only ones I currently have left are 2 PanO "support" units...
Hector's head was something I found in my bits box. I think it's an old 40k guard head (About 10-12 years old, since I stopped playing 40k and/or...
After putting all of the "O-12" stuff I have into army7, it came out to a tad under 1100pts and 17.5swc 4 combat groups and 40 figures ... ooops,...
I feed my inner wolves from the local peasant stock. It keeps both of them happy.
There ARE the sectorial charts, which show which characters are part of that sectorial, and what teams (if any) they can join. You have to go...
I remember it had a line of "action figures" who all went to the same gym as He-man (and the later "Power of the force" SW figures). It was like...
ONLY the "specialist" profiles come with the sidebot. I made one for my army. Had the body piece of an old panO dronbot, and used a spare 1:87...
Yes, this is why I don't usually photograph my stuff. :D The camera will display anything I don't want shown. I have shit eyesight, and even...
Some updates to this army. After seeing an andromeda in the flesh, I have changed my mind a little on it (had it partially confused with the RU...
Same display board with some corregidor TAGs. Gecko TAG moving through the cargo bay. [img] [img]
Disaster struck! That display board fell while I was moving other stuff around and sheared the background from the floorplate (and damaged the mdf...