Disagree with assertion that they'd have 3 orders. Redundant skills do nothing: Lt says the user *has* A Lt order, so even if they had the Lt...
But they're not being transferred. Turn 1. Avatar is LT, Avatar goes ISO. The Avatar has the Skill LT (+1 Order, +1 Command Token). Turn 2....
*laughs in EVAders and MB*
I don't think anyone knows: three options as I see them (and outlined above). When writing the list (simply don't deploy it if Bike Recon isn't...
The issue is that the general prohibition: "You can't use a weapon that requires LOF to respond to an active Trooper in your ZOC" was removed by...
Ric shrugs visibly with his hands: "He's a puta; but I'm for whichever options gets us out of this hellhole and back into space sooner!" He rubs...
That's the thing: Nomads TAGs are actually.... good-ish (leaving aside Iggy). Salzy is a solid TAG that does excellent work. Its operator is...
Ric pushed inside the cafe, finding a table obscured from the street - even dressed as he was in 'off-duty', there was the real risk that his...
Dogs were a mistake.
Bug report the AVA of Pups in Bakunin, it should be 9 - it has always been 9. The other place this is an issue if we're reading it like that...
Uberfalls are interesting. In Bakunin: [IMG] In Vanilla: [IMG] You get a green tick for 9 Pupniks (3 per Uberfalls) in Bakunin. [IMG]
Pretty much everything with 2W+ has Shock Immunity. But yes, Shock affects multi wound models without Shock Immunity.
Ooh yeah. That's an idea. The positives of keeping Old Spitfires. "That's not a Spitfire, this is a Spitfire!"
My point is that a HMG Intruder or a SMR Intruder are roughly as good as each other to a new player. To a player who already owns a HMG Intruder...
I really like my tiny Wildcats and my 4 Intruders. So yeah, I'm only the target audience because I buy all the Nomad things. Which is the point:...
It's different perspectives, we're largely looking at this from a "I'm already deeply invested in Nomads" POV. For instance, I literally have 4...
The B:IS stuff will be released as a Cold One Booster Pack. They'll probably do: MR+LFT MB, Intruder MSR, Hellcat Spitfire.
They're also a poster child for why Shock just needs to be removed in its present form. Shock nerfs expensive 1W troops. Expensive 1W troops...
Disappointed that there's another Intruder HMG. The old one is still excellent and an Intruder KHD with an upgrade to an MMR would have been...
Why A over C? Nothing in Declaration of a skill requires a particular attribute.