So I noticed we can no longer take Saito as a specialist. Do we think that’s a glitch or an intended nerf? He still has his specialist profile in...
The FTO m drone has nanoscreen. That means a Gwailo haris can roll out with his two specialist rem buddies and they all bring their own cover....
Looks like they also got dirt cheap mimetic libertos profiles as well.
@Barrogh Fair. It’s not quite camo, but it does give him options that the Asawira does not have. Doesn’t make him better, but for me it doesn’t...
They do seem to get a bit more out of their 50ish points than we do.
@emperorsaistone Maybe it’s a play style thing, but I think his greatest value is in his marker state.
It’s nice that they gave NCO to a non typical profile like the hmg. Beyond the smoke, he’s also spec firing grenades on 11s, and if you take Lt 2...
Didn’t notice the little farzan bonus, that’s cool. Why do you say the Ayyar is less appealing now? They didn’t really add anything that infringes...
What do you mean essentially? It says wildcard right in his stat block.
Those match his prices in mayanet and the profile pdf neither of which has updated yet, so I don’t think his cost changed.
Also, since Total Immunity lets you pick if you want to use arm or bts, whichever is better, our boy can always use that bts 6 even when getting...
Well worth it.
They don’t have the tac aware zuyong hmg, just the tac aware haris,but that’s a small pittance. Also they gave the maggie a mine dispenser, so the...
They’ve added vulnerability viral to werewolves so it looks like we’re in the clear.
No more so then Grunts, yeah?
If i remember correctly, that's the way regeneration used to work in N2, so it's unlikely they're revert it.
Kuroshi i probably my most common choice.
I don't think I had realized Regen gives you shock immunity, since up until this point I've really only played Hassassins it never game up because...
I honestly don't even know why they still have both automedikit and regeneration. The only difference between the two of them now is that a 2...
Unless i'm missing something, Saito doesn't have a nimbus grenade option, only Shikami do.